
来源 :钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:27-Aug
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在原中国钓鱼协会举办的十八届全国钓鱼比赛中,前六届都在水面不规则、鱼情差别大的自然水域进行,所以钓具、钓法不统一,也难以统一。之所以难求统一还与比赛的项目有关,手竿不分鱼种,设总重量和单尾重两个子项。当一尾大鱼抵十尾、二十尾小鱼,又能兼顾总重量和单尾重两个奖项时,竿求长、线要粗、钩宜强就是必然的。从1991年安阳第七届全国钓鱼比赛开始,手竿不再在自然水域进行了,改在养殖密度高的池塘,并规定了有效鱼。随着池钓纷纷采用悬坠、长子线的“台钓”之后,无论竞技还是休闲都锁定了对象鱼,即钓什么鱼用什么钓具都有了一定之规。由此以池钓为中心,包括竿、线、钩、坠、标、饵、配件、附件在内的国产钓鱼装备有了长足的进步,并出现了与之匹配的钓技、钓法,形成钓具与钓技的互动。 In the eighteenth national fishing competition organized by the former China Diaoyu Fishing Association, the first six sessions were conducted in the natural waters with irregular water surface and large differences in fishes. Therefore, fishing tackles and fishing tackles are not uniform and difficult to unify. The reason why hard to find unity and the game is also related to the project, regardless of finger pole species, set the total weight and single tail weight of two children. When a large fish arrived in ten, twenty small fish, but also take into account the total weight and single tail weight two awards, the rod for a long line to thick, hook should be strong is inevitable. Since the 7th National Fishing Competition in Anyang in 1991, the hand poles have ceased to be used in natural waters. They have been changed to high-density ponds and have been formulated as effective fish. With the ponds have adopted the hanging, long strand of “fishing ”, regardless of athletics or leisure are locked in the object of fish, that fishing what fishing tackle has a certain rules. From this, the domestic fishing equipment including the pole, the line, the hook, the fall, the standard, the bait, the accessory and the accessory has made great progress and the matched fishing techniques and fishing methods have been formed. Fishing tackle and fishing technology interaction.
2010年,四川销售将牢牢把握“科学营销、加快发展、强化管理、以人为本、安全稳定”这一总体指导方针,努力实现建设国际水准油品供应服务商的发展目标。 In 2010, Sichuan S
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