“保险公司就是好,生命财产啥都保,遇到灾难有依靠,利民便民信誉高,赔款上门暖人心,人民保险亚克西。”这首歌谣传遍鄯善。这是鄯善县近20万各族人民对鄯善县保险支公司作出极高评价和无限信赖的标志。 鄯善县保险支公司在艰苦的环境下,克服困难,团结一致,齐心协力,积极推进当地的保险事业。特别是在近4年来,鄯善保险支公司紧紧围绕县委、县人民政府提出的,“力争用5年时何跨入自治区前10名经济大县行列。”的总体奋斗目标,不断调整工作的新思路,采取多
“Insurance companies are good, life and property what are Paul, encountered disasters have relied on, Lee Min convenient high credibility, warm home indemnity, people’s insurance Yak-sik.” The song rumors all over Shanshan. This is a sign that nearly 200,000 people of all ethnic groups in Shanshan County have made extremely high appraisals and unlimited trusts in Shanshan County insurance branches. Shanshan County insurance branch in a difficult environment, overcome difficulties, work together, work together to actively promote the local insurance business. Especially in the past four years, Shanshan Insurance Branch closely around the county, county people’s government put forward, “and strive to use five years into the top ten autonomous economic zone counties.” The overall goal of continuous adjustment of work New ideas to take more