喜得合不拢嘴的王福喜老汉,做梦也没想到,自己打了一辈子“光棍”,竟在57岁时做了新郎。新娘就是与他同在平顺县中五井乡敬老院的五保老人郭小女。 1995年12月17日,乡亲们一路谈笑地向敬老院涌来,急切地想亲眼目睹由县民政部门和乡政府为一对孤寡老人举行的特殊婚礼。王福喜老汉和郭小女大娘早早就穿上了民政部门给置办的新衣,他们瞅瞅“鸳鸯戏水”的窗花和胸前
Happy like Wang Fuxi old man, never dreamed that he hit a lifetime “bachelor”, actually made the groom at 57 years old. The bride is with him in Pingshun County, Wutai Township nursing home five guarantees elderly Guo girl. On December 17, 1995, folks rushed to the nursing home laughing and chatting all the way, eager to witness the special wedding held by the county civil affairs department and the township government for a lone elderly people. Wang Fuxi old man and Guo small woman aunt put on the civil affairs department to set up the new clothes early, they Chou Chou “mandarin duck water” window and chest