中国科学技术大学量子信息重点实验室建立了一套量子密钥分配实验装置。该系统用强衰减 85 0nm脉冲激光器作为单光子光源 ;编码方式以不等臂M -Z干涉仪为基础的相位调制法 ;相位调制基于自制的压电陶瓷环控制的全光纤相调制器 ;探测器采用EG&G公司生产的SPCM -AQ
Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of University of Science and Technology of China set up a quantum key distribution experimental device. The system uses a strong attenuation 85 0nm pulsed laser as a single-photon source, a phase modulation method based on an unequal-arm M -Z interferometer, a phase modulation based on a self-made piezo-ceramic ring controlled all-fiber phase modulator, Using EG & G company’s SPCM-AQ