世界上第一辆坦克 1915年8月,英国制造了世界上第一辆坦克,该坦克是利用从美国进口的一对加长了的“布劳克”拖拉机履带,在竖起的角钢架上铆上钢板制成的,这是设计师们设计的一种“陆地战舰”,制成后取名“小游民”。最早参战的坦克 1916年9月,一群钢铁怪物出现在索姆河战场,这就是第一次参战的坦克——英国的Ⅰ型坦克。Ⅰ型坦克乘员8人,采用过顶式履带,每个履带架的外侧装1个突出炮座,上面安装1门57毫米火炮和1挺8毫米机枪,车上共装2门火炮和4挺机枪。第一个建立坦克部队的国家英国是最早建立坦克部队的国家。伴随英国坦克的诞生,1916年英国组建了第一支坦克部队,当时称为“机枪部队重型分队”,编有6个连,每连25辆坦
The world’s first tank August 1915, the United Kingdom made the world’s first tank, the tank is the use of imported from the United States a pair of lengthened “Burak” tractor tracks on the erected angle steel frame Riveted steel plate, which is designed by designers of a “land battleship”, made after the name of “small tourists.” The earliest battle tank In September 1916, a group of steel monsters appeared in the Somme battlefield, this is the first battle of the tank - the British type Ⅰ tank. Type I tank crew of eight people, the use of overhead crawlers, each with a prominent lateral seat on Mount, mounted above a 57 mm gun and a 8 mm machine gun, the car a total of 2 guns and 4 machine gun. The first country to build a tank force. Britain was the earliest country to build a tank force. With the birth of the British tanks, in 1916 the United Kingdom formed the first tank unit, at the time it was called “the Heavy Unit of Machine Gun Detachment,” with six companies, each with 25 tanks