柳州五月,春草碧色,春水绿波。 5月 9日, 70多位代表带着对《中国建材》杂志 20周年华诞的祝福与喜悦;带着对全国建材行业这本唯一综合性期刊今后的谋划与方略,更带着对全国建材业加入 WTO后的困惑与疑虑以及对未来的憧憬,云集到了“刘三姐”的故乡──柳州。这座古?
Liuzhou May, spring grass color, green water wave. May 9, more than 70 delegates with the blessing and joy of the 20th anniversary of the “China Building Materials” magazine; with the national building materials industry, the only comprehensive periodical planning and strategy, but also with the National Building Materials Industry Confusion and doubt after entering the WTO as well as the vision of the future, gathered in the hometown of “Third Sister Liu” ─ Liuzhou. This ancient?