心电图及心电图运动试验 此检查设备简单、操作方便,是目前冠心病诊断最常用的方法。 动态心电图 是一种病人可以随身携带连续记录24~72小时的动态心电图仪。这种动态和长时间的连续监测记录,为一过性心律失常、心绞痛和原因不明的心悸、晕厥提供了有价值的诊断依据。 超声心动图 可观察左心室各部位的运动状态和心脏各结构之间的相互关系及心脏的射血分数,以判断冠心病及其病变部位。
ECG and ECG exercise test This test equipment is simple, easy to operate, is the most commonly used method of coronary heart disease diagnosis. Holter is a kind of patient can carry a continuous record 24 to 72 hours of Holter. This dynamic and long continuous monitoring record provides a valuable diagnostic basis for transient arrhythmia, angina and unexplained palpitations and syncope. Echocardiography can be observed in various parts of the left ventricular motion and cardiac structure and the relationship between the heart and ejection fraction to determine coronary heart disease and its lesion.