目的为对在卷烟中加入添加剂以达到止咳祛痰目的的研究做出有效评价,建立普通卷烟诱导小鼠咳嗽和痰液分泌的模型。方法小鼠在仅鼻吸烟(nose-only)装置的环境中每天暴露1 h,持续一个月后,利用氨水喷雾引咳法和气管段酚红法对咳嗽潜伏时间、咳嗽次数及气管内分泌物含量进行检测。结果吸烟组小鼠咳嗽潜伏时间显著减少,咳嗽次数增加,气管内分泌物OD值显著增加。结论该卷烟诱导小鼠咳嗽及痰液分泌模型建立成功。
Objective To make an effective evaluation on the purpose of adding cough and expectorant in cigarettes and establish the model of cough and sputum secretion induced by common cigarette in mice. Methods Mice were exposed to nose-only device for 1 h every day for one month. The cough latency, the number of coughs, and the content of endotracheal secretions Test. Results Smoking group mice cough latency significantly reduced, cough frequency increased, tracheal secretions OD value increased significantly. Conclusion The cigarette induced mice cough and sputum secretion model was established successfully.