一年多来,关于上海“狐狸”与瑞士“狐狸”的知识产权官司引发了专家学者和大众的广泛关注。2006年4月20日下午,“FOX TOWN”商标与版权保护学术研讨会在国家知识产权局知识产权出版社召开,来自京、沪两地的专家学者发表了各自观点。而几天之后,上海市一中院再次开庭审理了此案。庭上唇枪舌剑几个小时,但仍没有结果。胜负固然重要,但这场官司本身折射出来的知识产权问题,更令人们回味。——编者
For more than a year, intellectual property lawsuits over Shanghai “fox” and Switzerland’s “fox” have aroused widespread concern among experts and scholars. On the afternoon of April 20, 2006, “FOX TOWN” trademark and copyright protection seminar was held in Intellectual Property Press of State Intellectual Property Office. Experts and scholars from Beijing and Shanghai published their opinions. A few days later, a Shanghai Intermediate People’s Court heard the case again. The court rang a few hours, but still no result. Winning and losing are important, but the intellectual property issues reflected by the lawsuit itself make people even more memorable. --editor