1916年5月11日,北洋政府突然发出“中国、交通两银行,自奉令之日起,所有该两行之纸币及应付款项,暂时一律不准兑现付现”的通令,顿时引发了民国史上首次全国规模的挤兑狂潮,而诱发此次挤兑狂潮的诱因则是袁世凯复辟帝制梦想的覆灭。 袁世凯自1915年12月13日登基称帝,仅仅83天,便在全国上下一片讨伐声中惶然下台。随着袁世凯垮台,北洋政府陷于四面楚歌的境地。对政府失去信任的商民们纷纷涌入与北洋政府关
On May 11, 1916, the Beiyang government suddenly issued the order of “China, two banks of transportation, all banknotes and payables in the two lines from the date of the order, which are temporarily forbidden to be paid”, which suddenly triggered the history of the Republic of China The first nationwide runaway frenzy, and the incentive to induce the runaway frenzy, was the destruction of Yuan Shih-kai’s restoration of the monarchy’s dream. Yuan Shikai, who had proclaimed himself emperor since December 13, 1915, only managed to step down in panic throughout the country in 83 days. As Yuan Shikai collapsed, the Beiyang government was caught in a turmoil. The businessmen who have lost trust in the government are pouring in and Beiyang government