膜性肾病是常见的肾小球肾炎 ,如在病程中尿蛋白突然增加或肾功能突然恶化 ,提示可能并发有肾静脉血栓形成或存在急性间质性肾炎、肾小管坏死或新月体性肾炎等。我院2 0 0 0年 5月— 2 0 0 1年 3月共收治 2例膜性肾病并发间质性肾炎患者 ,经各项检查除外多发性骨髓瘤、干燥综合
Membranous nephropathy is a common glomerulonephritis, such as a sudden increase in urinary protein or sudden deterioration of renal function in the course of the disease, suggesting that there may be renal vein thrombosis or the presence of acute interstitial nephritis, tubular necrosis or crescentic nephritis Wait. Two cases of membranous nephropathy complicated with interstitial nephritis were treated in our hospital from May 2000 to March 2001. Except for various tests, multiple myeloma,