军方为了战争需要,从刚出生的婴儿中选择了一批适合的人选,进行特种执行兵的训练。他们被剥夺了个性,与社会完全隔离。孩童时便要他们观看狼狗与野猪的残杀,培养他们凶残的个性、超人的耐力、毅力与高超的技能。对这些受训者来说,失败便意味着死亡,不杀人者即被杀。因此,他们每个人都是冷酷无情、嗜杀成性。 2013年,他们的训练结束了,他们的脸上被刻下自己的名字与级别。然后他们便被投入到战争中。塔德成为他们中的佼佼者。 六国战争:塔德无畏地行进在纷飞的炮火间,端枪射击,所向披靡……
In order to meet the needs of war, the military has selected a group of suitable candidates from newborn babies to train special execution troops. They are deprived of their personality and completely isolated from society. When they were children, they were asked to watch the killing of dogs and wild boar, develop their cruel character, superhuman stamina, perseverance and superb skills. For these trainees, failure means death, and those who do not kill are killed. Therefore, each of them is cruel and bloodthirsty. In 2013, their training is over, their faces are carved into their names and ranks. Then they are put into the war. Tad becomes one of their best. Six Nations War: Tad fearlessly marched in the swirling artillery, gun shot, invincible ......