Real-time surface figure monitoring of optical elements in continuous polishing

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenghao
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A real-time monitoring system is set up based on a computer, dynamic interferometer, beam expanding system,and a beam reflecting system. The stability and repeatability of the monitoring system is verified. A workpiece and a glass monitoring plate are placed in the same ring. The surface figure of the workpiece, monitored by the monitoring plate, synchronizes with the surface of the glass monitoring plate in terms of peak–valley and power.The influence of the reflection and transmission surface are discussed in theory and a numeral deviation in online and offline testing data is quantitatively analyzed. The new method provides a quick and easy real-time method to characterize changes to the optical surface during polishing. A real-time monitoring system is set up based on a computer, dynamic interferometer, beam expanding system, and a beam reflecting system. The stability and repeatability of the monitoring system is verified. A workpiece and a glass monitoring plate are placed in the same ring. The surface figure of the workpiece, monitored by the monitoring plate, synchronizes with the surface of the glass monitoring plate in terms of peak-valley and power. The influence of the reflection and transmission surface are discussed in theory and a numeral deviation in online and offline testing data is quantitatively analyzed. The new method provides a quick and easy real-time method to characterize changes to the optical surface during polishing.
在重庆,每当出租车司机踩下一次油门,夜晚的渝州路就会生出一道罡风。裹挟着万州加油站的余息,却不惊扰一片落叶。  据说,赛车手们常常会渴望成为一名重庆的出租车司机。  因为有种说法是,一旦谁拥有了那辆黄色怪兽,谁就是传说的终点,速度的尽头,季风的起源。在这片重庆森林中,他们快到模糊。  上周,当我被睡梦中的男友踹下床时,我摸着隐隐作痛的屁股,思绪回到了去重庆出差那天。  那是一个周二,正午。我如往常