A Practical Research on Reading-based Writing in Senior High School English Teaching

来源 :中学生英语·外语教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awper1985
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  According to Krashen’s Input Hypothesis, language is acquired through the exposure of a series of comprehensive input. That is to say, through a certain amount of listening and reading, learners’ language fluency can be guaranteed, but the learners’ language accuracy cannot be satisfyingly guaranteed. Therefore, Swain put forward “Comprehensible Output Hypothesis”. From these two popular hypotheses, it’s easy to find the close relationship between reading and writing in English learning and teaching. What’s more, the confusing conditions of some senior students in writing should be concerned about. Consequently, there is an urgent necessity to take some measures to solve the problem.
  1. Analysis of the Present situation of Senior High School English writing teaching
  Nowadays, it’s not amazing to find that great efforts have been made to improve students’ writing, but the gain doesn’t seem to be equal to what has been given. More surprisingly, the reading materials students have learned appear to be of little benefit to improving students’ written English. The two main problems existing in writing are: the writing clue is not clear, and the language that is used is quite ordinary, which seems to be lacking in attraction. As for English teaching, teachers may pay great attention to the structure and language of a certain passage, but while teaching English writing, it may become difficult to combine reading teaching and writing teaching organically. There are a lot of difficulties to account for the failure. Firstly, the time used to teach students is quite limited, which makes teachers stress on the grammatical mistakes instead of finding the relationship between reading and writing. Secondly, students seem to have not enough interest in writing.
  2. Things can be obtained from reading
  The close relationship between reading and writing has been well known and there is no doubt that a lot of things can be gained from comprehensive reading, such as ideas, opinions, the clue of writing an article, the structure of composing an article, the writing techniques that have been used in the text, and so on. The following reading materials are taken from STUDENT’S BOOK I
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英语教学与英语测试贯穿于整个英语教学过程。因为测试对教师的教和学生的学具有正面反拨作用,所有千百年来测试一直被沿用。当然反拨也有负面反拨,也可能对教学产生负面影响。那么掌握测试与教学的双向正面作用将有助于提升教师的英语教学工作。测试不是教与学的终极目标,只是教学过程的一种手段。因此对单元测试进行系统的研究,使教师和学生在教学和测试中做到完整统一。  1. 测试的反拨作用的理论基础  Alderso