租房、买房是当今社会的热门话题,房地产市场更是一个蕴含无限商机、潜力无比巨大的市场。正因为如此,强手不断抢占滩头,竞争日益激烈是当前房地产市场的一大特点。对于众多的房地产商来说,要面对强手如林的市场树立闪光形象、推出过硬品牌,实力、技术、质量是缺一不可的,但除此之外,独树一帜的营销策略、推陈出新的营销理念则更是商战中胜出的关键。 当前,网络正逐渐渗透到我们社会生活中的各个角落。据调查,截止到1999年底,我国的网民人数已经超过890万,且正在以大约
Renting, buying a house is a hot topic in today’s society, the real estate market is a market with unlimited potential, enormous potential. Because of this, strong hand continue to seize the beach, the increasingly fierce competition is a major feature of the current real estate market. For many real estate developers, it is indispensable to set up a glittering image in the market of strong competitors and introduce excellent brand, strength, technology and quality. However, in addition, the unique marketing strategy and innovative marketing concept It is the key to win business war. At present, the network is gradually penetrating into every corner of our social life. According to the survey, as of the end of 1999, the number of netizens in our country has exceeded 8.9 million and the number is about