又到了“黑色25”。紧张、郁闷如期而至。 编辑1在电话里扯着一把劈柴声嚷嚷:“我正郁闷呢,我拿不准汤姆该怎么‘切’?”——“切”,不是用刀切,而是切入,在我们的行话里是指写作的角度。 编辑2“灰头土脸”地进了门,一脸的菜色,加上一对儿“熊猫”眼儿,一看便知至少挑灯夜战了两宿。就几天前,粉白水灵得一塌糊涂的2,还逮谁问谁:“怎么样,我气色不错吧?”说着说着就把脸凑给了人家,生怕人家看不见,更过分的,还逼人上手一摸,说是体验水嫩粉滑的感觉,等再写美肤的文章时好有的放矢。 编辑3倒是衣着鲜亮地出现在编辑部,但其惊艳只宜远
Came to “black 25”. Tense, depressed as scheduled. EDITOR 1 Tweeted on the phone about a firewood chop: “I’m depressing, I’m not sure how Tom’s cut?” - “Cut,” instead of cutting with a knife, In writing is the point of view. Editor 2 “despicable” into the door, a look of dishes, plus a pair of children “Panda” eyes, a look I know at least pick the lights night war two nights. Just a few days ago, white powder was a mess, but also who to arrest who asked: “how, I look good color?” Speaking to put the face to the people, for fear of invisible, more excessive, Still pressing touch, that is to experience the feeling of tender and smooth, and so write the skin beauty of the article a good target. Edit 3 touches brightly dressed in the editorial department, but its amazing only far away