Research results at home and abroad show that the use of cotton heterosis, generally can increase the yield of about 20%, is an effective way to increase production. However, cotton is a monoecious cross-flowering pollination crop. Artificial methods are used to obtain cotton hybrid seeds, which must go through a set of cumbersome man-made pollination and other seed production processes, which requires more manpower and increases the production cost of hybrid seeds. To promote heterosis increased difficulties. Application of cotton male sterile lines of cotton, cotton has been male sterile, with sterile lines as the female parent, not only eliminates the need for male to male, if found its pollinator - insects, the application of insects to cotton pollination, Also can save artificial pollination, is the best way to use heterosis. The research on cotton male sterility has made great progress in our country. Some units have obtained more stable 50% sterile plants,