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  Tyler had an accident years ago. In(1)__________ accident, he lost his right arm. On that day, a car hit him while he(2)__________(cross)the road. “I can’t feel my hand!” Tyler shouted when he woke up in the hospital. He knew that he couldn’t write, draw or play sports anymore as before. It was(3)__________(real)a hard time for him.
  But life went on. Tyler spent the next two years in the hospital. At first, he couldn’t even wear his shoes or open a bottle of water by(4)__________(him). Later, he realized that he had no choice but to face all those(5)__________(difficulty). With the help of his family, he(6)__________(begin)to join in all kinds of activities. He even decided(7)__________(learn)to play the violin. Tyler did not know about the violin(8)__________he met Lam, a music lover and amateur(业余的)violinist. Tyler became Lam’s first student.
  Tyler says playing the violin doesn’t make life much(9)__________(easy)than before, and he still has to face new problems every day. However, he won’t give(10)__________. And he will never stop trying new things in his life.
  Several years ago, a couple sold their house and drove to travel around America with their 12 children. The parents taught their children in the morning and did sports outside in the afternoon.
  The husband, Dan. Kaylog said, “After we went back home from work or school, everyone felt a little bored.” In(1)__________face of the situation, they wanted to make some changes. They thought about changing the way of life(2)__________(careful)and made a crazy decision.(3)__________the couple just had a new baby, they gave up the comfortable house and started their travel with hope instead of(4)__________(live)a normal life. They sold their house,(5)__________(buy)a recreational vehicle(房車)and started the travel around America. The couple even took 12 children.(6)__________(young)one of the 12 children was only 3 months old.
  The(7)__________(develop)of technology made their life possible. Dan didn’t need an office. He was an engineer and he could continue his work and communicate with others through a computer. As(8)__________their children’s studies, Dan and his wife used the Internet to teach them and sometimes they learned by(9)__________(them). “Study at home” allowed the couple(10)__________(take)the children outside to reach nature at any time.
  Keys:(一)1. the 2. was crossing 3. really 4. himself 5. difficulties 6. began 7. to learn
  8. until 9. easier 10. up (二)1. the 2. carefully 3. Although 4. living 5. bought 6. The youngest 7. development 8. for 9. themselves 10. to take
皎洁的月亮高悬苍穹,生生不息,恒久不灭,穿越古今,跨越千年。美丽、清冷、空灵、梦幻的明月令无数文人墨客为之吟唱、赞赏。张若虚的《春江花月夜》、李白的《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》和李商隐的《月》都是诵明月之诗中的代表。现在,就让我们同这三位诗人一起欣赏月色美景,思念亲人朋友,品悟人生哲理。  月夜中的美景  朦胧的月光与潋滟的水色总有解不开的缘分。当一江春水与一轮皓月相遇,便氤氲出盎然的诗情。一生只
①A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether i
庐山,又称匡山、匡庐,地处江西省北部,东偎婺源鄱阳湖,南靠南昌滕王阁,西邻京九大动脉,北枕滔滔长江。庐山自古有“神仙之庐”的美誉,据传殷周时期有匡氏兄弟隐居于此,后成仙而去,其所居之庐(房子)幻化为山,故而得名。  庐山属断块山构造,多奇峰峻岭、悬崖峭壁。远看犹如一山飞峙大江边,近看千峰携手紧相连,横看铁壁钢墙立湖岸,侧看擎天一柱耸云间。宋代大文豪苏东坡在《题西林壁》诗中赞誉庐山:“横看成岭侧成峰
在判断某物体是运动还是静止时,必须事先选定一个作标准的物体,即参照物。如果被研究的物体相对于参照物的相对位置发生了改变,则物体是运动的;如果没有发生改变,则物体是静止的。具体步骤是:(1)选定一个参照物;(2)观察比较物体与参照物之间的相对位置有无变化以及怎样变化;(3)作出判断得出结论。  例1(2020·湖北·宜昌)小明乘坐爸爸驾驶的汽车停在路口等红灯,他看着右侧窗外并排停着的汽车,突然觉得自
【專 练】  1.在平面直角坐标系中,A(a,2)在第二象限内,则a是(_____).  A. 1 B. [-32] _____C. [43] D. 4或- 4  2.在平面直角坐标系中,点P(x2 + 2,-3)在(_____).  A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限  3.已知a + b > 0,ab > 0,则在如图1所示的平面直角坐标系中,小手盖住的点的坐标可能是(
[真题呈现]  例1(2020·江苏·南京)如圖1①,要在一条笔直的路边[l]上建一个燃气站,向[l]同侧的[A],[B]两个城镇分别铺设管道输送燃气. 试确定燃气站的位置,使铺设管道的路线最短.  (1)如图1②,作出点[A]关于[l]的对称点[A]',线段[A'B]与直线[l]的交点[C]的位置即为所求,即在点[C]处建燃气站,所得路线[A—C—B]是最短的. 为了证明点[C]的位置即为所求,
[原题再现]  八年级上册第65页第6题:如图1,在△ABC中,DE是AC的垂直平分线,AE = 3 cm,△ABD的周长为13 cm,求△ABC的周长.(解题过程略,答案为19 cm)   [变式演练]  1. 如图1,在△ABC中,DE是AC的垂直平分线,△ABD的周长为13 cm,求AB + BC的长.  2.如图1,在△ABC中,DE是AC的垂直平分线,求证:△ABD的周长 = AB +
太奶是我爸爸的奶奶。  在我的印象中,太奶对于我来说是比较生疏的。11岁之前我没见过太奶。前年秋天,我跟爸爸妈媽一起回到了爸爸的老家,第一次见到太奶,也是最后一次见到她。  来到家里,我看到昏暗的房间里坐着一个老人——那就是我太奶。妈妈叫我过去跟太奶问好,我很害羞,央求妈妈陪我一起上前去。太奶见有“生人”来,大声喊道:“你们是谁啊?”妈妈连忙把我拉到太奶身边,笑着反问她:“您猜猜我们是谁?”太奶细
在我们平凡琐碎的生活里,一个人、一件事、一个物件,甚至一草一木都有可能带给我们心灵的触动。细致观察,用心体悟,蓦然回首,你会找到记忆里的一缕温馨。下面,让我们一起跟随名篇佳作去品尝生活的滋味,体悟平凡生活中的温情。  【佳篇赏析】  父亲的后车座  筱 琴  父亲节那天晚上,妹妹发过来一张照片,一个小小的女孩坐在父亲的自行车后座上。妹妹说:“曾经,我们也这么小,父亲也这么年轻……”  憋了一天的眼
《鲁滨逊漂流记》叙述了十七世纪有个叫鲁滨逊的英国人,在航海中遇险,孤身一人流落到一个荒无人烟的小岛。为了战胜死亡,他依靠破船上剩下的一点生产和生活资料,同大自然进行了顽强的斗争。每做一件事,都要遇到很大的困难,但他经得起失败的考验,凭着艰苦的劳动,成功地在荒岛上建起房舍,开垦农田,营造羊圈,使荒岛面貌有了改变,他的生活也随之变化。经过28年的孤苦生活,他终于脱险,返回故乡。  在一节阅读课上,同学