战争经验表明,战场上阵亡的官兵,许多不是因为受伤本身,而是由于抢救不及时或诊断不当所致。 目前,一场战斗最初的60分钟被称为“黄金时间”,在这段时间内,80%的伤员因失血过多而死亡。现代高技术战争的快速推进,使目标较大而又不灵便的野战医院难以靠近前沿,因而伤员的抢救问题尤为突出,遥医学在这种情况下便应运而生。
The experience of war shows that many of the officers and men killed on the battlefield are not caused by the injury itself but because of the improper salvage or improper diagnosis. Currently, the first 60 minutes of a battle is called “prime time,” during which 80% of wounded people die as a result of excessive bleeding. The rapid advancement of modern high-tech warfare has made it difficult for field hospitals with large targets and inconveniences to get close to the front, so the rescue of the wounded is particularly outstanding. In this case, telemedicine came into being.