
来源 :浙江预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nengding
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学校建筑设备是儿童少年学习和活动的重要外环境,是保证广大学生德、智、体、美全面发展的先决条件[1]。为了解丽水市学校教学环境卫生现状,我们于2011年4—6月对丽水市30所中小学校开展了教学环境卫生监测及卫生学评价,现报告 School construction equipment is an important outer environment for children and adolescents’ learning and activities, and is a prerequisite for ensuring the all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education for all students [1]. In order to understand the current status of school teaching and environmental health in Lishui City, we conducted a teaching environment health monitoring and hygiene evaluation on 30 primary and secondary schools in Lishui from April to June 2011. The current report
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