1.适时适量追施保花肥 在幼穗分化5~6期亩施氯化钾7.5公斤,尿素4~5公斤。如叶片嫩绿或披垂则只追氯化钾不追尿素,改喷磷酸二氢钾。以幼穗分化7~8期和见穗期,每次每亩用0.2公斤磷酸二氢钾,兑水25公斤喷施(此时田中应有水,浅水勤灌,不宜断水)。 2.轻度割叶,普防病虫 在母本见穗15~20%时,将父本叶割去1/2,珍汕97A叶长超过25厘米的要割去2/3,协青早A叶长在20厘米以内的不需割叶。割叶当天上午,
1. Appropriate amount of top-dressing fertilizer security in the panicle differentiation of 5 to 6 acres of potassium chloride 7.5 kg, urea 4 to 5 kg. If the leaves green or drape only chasing potassium chloride does not recover urea, modified potassium dihydrogen phosphate. To panicle differentiation 7 to 8 and see the spike, each with 0.2 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, watered 25 kg spray (this time Tian Tan should have water, shallow ground irrigation, should not be interrupted). 2. Mild leaf cutting, general anti-pests in the mother see the ear 15 ~ 20%, the parent leaves cut 1/2, Zhenshan 97A leaf length more than 25 cm to cut 2/3, Xie Qing Early A leaf length of 20 cm or less without cutting leaves. Cut the leaves the same morning,