編輯同志: 我在一卷三期的『人民教育』上,讀到江山野先生的『我在中學國文教學中找到的方法』,又在『察哈爾文教』(二卷五期)讀到黎錦熙先生的『國文講讀教學改革案』(綱要),這兩篇文章,我覺得都有商榷的必要。現在我以江先生的文章為主,寫出下列幾點簡單意見: 一、教學過程不夠具體和完整(最好用某一教材來說明)。二。預習強調的多,復習重視的不夠,這顯然是一種『輕重倒置』的現象;蘇聯教學一再提出『復習是教學之母』。仔細體會這話很對。同時也是教學思想的說明。(我們總想在未教之前就要求學生會『多少』,蘇聯教學精神是教了之後,讓學生必會。這樣無疑地復習是加重了教師的責任。三、課堂上教師的主導作用差。(主導作用不是主觀主義教學,更不是『注入式』。江先生覺得討論好,黎先生認為總結好,此二者對教師的指導意圖——事前的整套計畫,都沒有看重。四、檢查復習沒有記分,這也是不科學的(參看蘇聯五級分制》。五、朗讀、分析課文,介紹作者……在蘇聯文學教學(指中學)中是佔相當重要的位置,但江先生很多沒有提出。
Editorial Comrades: On the issue of “People’s Education” in Volume III, I read Mr. Jiangshan Ye’s “Method I Found in the Teaching of Chinese in Secondary Schools” and read it in “Chahar Culture” (Volume II and V) Mr. Li Jinxi’s “Teaching Reform of Chinese Teaching” (Outline), I think it is necessary to discuss these two articles. Now I mainly article by Mr. Jiang, write the following simple points: First, the teaching process is not specific and complete (best to use a textbook to illustrate). two. It is obviously a phenomenon of “light and heavy inversion” which was emphasized in the pre-study and not emphasized enough in the review. The Soviet teaching repeatedly proposed that “review is the mother of teaching.” Carefully understand these words is right. It is also a teaching instruction. (We always want to ask the student union how much before we teach it. After the teaching spirit of the Soviet Union is taught, it is necessary for the students to understand it.) This undoubtedly aggravates teachers’ responsibility for reviewing. Leading role is not subjective teaching, but not “injection.” Jiang think the discussion is good, Mr. Lai concluded that the guidance of both teachers intended - in advance of the whole set of programs, did not value. There is no scoring, which is unscientific (see the Soviet Union’s five-point system.) Five, read aloud, analyze the text, introduce the author ... ... in the Soviet literature teaching (middle school) is a very important position, but Mr. Jiang a lot of no put forward.