
来源 :中国旅游 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojianan1987
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從凱里沿公路往東南走約80公里,便到達了公路的盡頭——西江,全貴州最大的苗寨就在那裡。 貴州的地理形勢是山多而平地少,高山間的河谷正好成為苗族人聚居的地方,從山上下望,密密麻麻的吊腳樓在山腰和山腳形成村寨,河谷的四周全是剛揷下新苗的水稻田和蘑菇田,唯一美中不足的也許是用水泥新建成的政府機關建築物,沖淡了那份與世隔絕的感覺。 晨曦之時,每家每戶都生火煮食,炊煙從屋頂上的煙囱徐徐上升,構成一幅美麗的鄕村生活畫面。三月下旬的早上,天氣仍很寒冷,但對西江人來說,正是下春苗的重要日子,由於地勢較高,這兒每年只有一次稻米收成,而在山谷較高處更只可以種植蘑菇。 由於是較遲才對遊客開放的關係,除了旅遊招待所外,這裡沒有任何專做遊客生意的商店和食肆,根本和普通的農村沒 From Carey along the highway to go southeast about 80 kilometers, they reached the end of the road - the West River, Guizhou’s largest Miao village is there. The geographical situation in Guizhou is less and less mountainous. The valleys between the mountains just happen to be the place where the Miao people live together. From the hillsides, the numerous stilts form the village on the mountainside and the foot of the mountain. Tian and Muta Tian, ​​the only fly in the ointment may be the use of cement newly built government agencies buildings, dilute the feeling of isolation. At dawn, every household was set on fire and smoke rose slowly from the chimney on the roof to form a beautiful picture of life in the country village. In the early March, the weather is still very cold, but for the Xijiang people, it is an important day for the next spring seedlings. Due to the high ground, there is only one rice harvest per year, and the mushrooms can only be planted in the upper valley . Due to the late opening up of tourists, there are no shops or restaurants specializing in tourist business except for tourist hostels. The basic and ordinary rural areas are not
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读者投诉专页,议事论事,有怨则呼,不平则呜。投诉刊登后会转达有关机构。(来稿以一千字为限,请附真实姓名,电话及地址) Reader Complaints page, deliberations on the matter, the
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