Colors in American Culture

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  In American culture different colors can stand for different meanings. The symbolical meanings of the colors are very much involved in the Americans’ daily life, which they use in slang and idiom.
  Black symbolizes authority and power, which implies obedience. So, priests wearing black means that they obey to the God. Moreover, it refers to death, profit. For example, someone has money in the bank account; we say he is in the black.
  White represents innocence and naive, in the wedding, for the bride, it is pure; for the doctors and nurses, it indicates clean and bacteria-free. Also, it is known as truce. For instance, white flag, symbol of surrender.
  Red, naturally, we regard it as love, owing to rose. And also, red is the color of anger, clash and violence. Meanwhile, if someone is in the red, which means someone is in debt.
  When it comes to blue, it makes us feel sad. Blue boy is a baby whose skin is blue at birth because of a heart defect. And blue makes man calm down. When interviewing, he is in blue suit, which stands for his royalty.
  Purple is exalted, luxurious and wealthy. Purple sometimes goes to homosexual; there is a saying that gays are wearing purple T-shirt.
  Yellow is associated with coward, that is to say, someone is not brave.
  Green is life’s and natural color. And green is somehow equivalent of jealousy. For instance, one might be green (with envy) when he saw his friend’s new car.
  In addition, the American flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with six white reflecting on the blue flag. The stripes represent the original thirteen colonies; the stars represent the fifty states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence and blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.
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