以民众戏剧的形式探索民众教育 来自农村社区的本土实践

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民众戏剧是指以基层民众生活为中心,运用戏剧元素在街头或公共场所向社会展示自己的生活现状,表达自己意愿和心声的艺术活动。据资料显示,民众戏剧最早发源于巴西,是伴随着民主运动而诞生的戏剧形式,是那些社会上受压迫的民众寻找情感宣泄的艺术表达方式。20世纪70年代初,迅速在亚洲许多国家和地区(如菲律宾、韩国、泰国、印尼、中国的香港等地)发展起来,像菲律宾的民众教育剧场、日本的黑帐篷剧团、中国台湾钟乔的差 Popular drama refers to the activities of grass-roots people as the center, the use of drama elements in the streets or public places to show their life status quo, express their wishes and aspirations of the art activities. According to statistics, the origins of populace drama originated in Brazil. They are the forms of drama that accompanied the democratic movement and the artistic expression of those people who were oppressed in the society looking for emotional catharsis. In the early 1970s, it rapidly developed in many Asian countries (such as Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong of China), such as the popular education theater in the Philippines, the black tent theater in Japan, difference