Rheological behavior,microstructure and hardness of A356 aluminum alloy in semisolid state using bac

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juzhaoyang
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The influence of temperature on the flow behavior and rheological characteristics of an A356 alloy in the semi-solid state was investigated using backward extrusion process.Experiments were performed at 5 temperatures and 4 different wall thicknesses.Viscosities were determined using the force-displacement graphs obtained form back extrusion tests.As observed experimentally,at a constant temperature,the increase of shear rate results in the decrease of alloy viscosity exponentially.Raising the temperature increases the liquid fraction hence reduces the semi-solid alloy viscosity.Metallographic and image analyses show that,because of low forming speed,liquid has time to escape from solid phase forward the sample wall.This condition is the main reason for the segregation phenomenon seen in the base and walls.Vickers hardness test on samples reveals that the hardness increases with the decrease of temperature and wall thickness. The influence of temperature on the flow behavior and rheological characteristics of an A356 alloy in the semi-solid state was investigated using backward extrusion process. Experiments were performed at 5 temperatures and 4 different wall thicknesses. Viscosities were determined using the force-displacement images form back extrusion tests. As observed experimentally, at a constant temperature, the increase of shear rate results in the decrease of alloy viscosity exponentially. Raising the temperature increases the liquid fractions therefore reduces the semi-solid alloy viscosity. Metallographic and image analyzes show that because of low forming speed, liquid has time to escape from solid phase forward the sample wall. This condition is the main reason for the segregation phenomenon seen in the base and walls.Vickers hardness test on samples reveals that the hardness increases with the decrease of temperature and wall thickness.
(2010年12月17日)今天中促会第四届理事会常务理事会在京召开第二次会议,主要是学习贯彻党的十七届五中全会精神,讨论审议中促会第四届理事会“十二五”发 (December 17, 20
摘 要:运用footscan 7.9压力分布测试系统,对济南市山师附小15名和文东小学10名学生进行足底压力分布的测试。以BMI>26为肥胖判定标准,将学生分成两组(正常组与肥胖组)进行对比分析。研究结果表明:1)正常儿童足底各区压力峰值均显著性低于肥胖儿童。2)肥胖儿童足弓区域接触面积较正常儿童非常显著增大。3)肥胖儿童足底各区压强峰值偏高,其中HM、HL、MF、M4、M2区域,差异性具有高度显
所谓二声部合唱,就是由两声部相互配合,协同进行,有着纵横的声音关系,和声与旋律有机组合形成完整的统一整体,各自按本声部的曲调同时演唱一首歌曲。小学中高年级音乐课本中出现了很多二声部合唱。笔者在与同行的交流中,很多教师对小学音乐课堂合唱教学都有一定的困惑。  一、二声部合唱教学的困惑  1.合唱的环境熏陶不足  过去,由于师资配备和学生整体音乐素质有限等原因,合唱的班级教学实施几乎是不可能的,合唱教
有一句广告语:“喜欢你,没道理。”也可以用于对有些学生对数学天生自发喜欢,对这门功课天性悟性较高,自然学得轻松愉快的这种情况的解释。但多数学生对数学这门学科学习起来还是存在较大困难、没有兴趣。作为一个数学教师,就我在平时的教学实践中的感悟来谈谈如何运用教学方法调动学生学习数学的积极性,尤其让部分学困生感觉数学:喜欢你,有道理。  一、唱好“备、教、改”三部曲  1.备:我认为备课是一门学问,备好课
新课程的实施在一定程度上改变了传统初中数学课堂教学的弊端,激发了学生参与数学课堂教学活动的积极性与主动性,提高了课堂教学实效。但是,有的教师在这个过程中不自觉地又陷入了新的误区,阻碍了新课程标准的进一步落实。  一、过分夸大数学教学在解决生活实践问题中的作用  随着新一轮数学课程改革的推进和深化,数学课堂发生了重大变化。具体表现在:教师注意创设一系列与生活相关的问题情境,让学生发现数学、学习数学。