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毛泽东双眉紧皱:我们坚决不做李自成!我不想做李自成,谁想做刘宗敏、牛金星,刘青山、张子普便是前车之鉴深谙中国历史的毛泽东,对历代王朝的盛衰兴败有着极其深刻的了解。中国共产党作为一个政治集团,由于其所代表的利益具有极其广泛的普遍性,因此与历史上的任何一个封建统治集团和资产阶级统治集团,都有着本质上的天壤之别。但毛泽东认为,“水能载舟、亦能覆舟”是一条普遍存在着的真理,全国解放后,我们党同样也面临着严峻的执政考验。 Mao Zedong eyebrows wrinkle: We are determined not to do Li Zicheng! I do not want to do Li Zicheng, who want to do Liu Zongmin, Niu Jinxing, Liu Castle, Zhang Zi Pu is a lesson learned from Chinese history, Mao Zedong, the rise and fall of ancient dynasties has an extremely profound To understanding. As a political group, the Chinese Communist Party has essentially the same world as any other feudalist and bourgeois dominated group in history because of the extremely broad universality of the interests it represents. However, Mao Zedong believed that “water can carry boats and can also overturn boats” is a ubiquitous truth. After the liberation of the entire country, our party is also under severe austerity tests.