本文将综合中国经济体制改革研究所于一九八五年二月、七月先后两次进行的大规模社会心理调查,结合近期动向,对进一步改革的社会心理环境进行分析。 一、群众对改革持什么样 的社会心理? 在相当长的时期内,我国闭关自守,社会变迁缓慢,商品经济极不发达。因此,风险承受能力弱,缺乏进取性,成为普遍的社会心理特征。根据我们的问卷调查,百分之七十七点三的城乡居民宁愿选择“增
This article will be based on the large-scale social psychological survey twice conducted by the Institute of Economic System Reform of China in February and July of 1985, and combined with the recent trends to analyze the social and psychological environment for further reforms. First, what kind of social psychology does the masses hold for reform? For a long period of time, China has become self-reliant and has a slow social transition and a very underdeveloped commodity economy. Therefore, the risk tolerance is weak and lack of aggressiveness, becoming a common social psychology. According to our survey, 77.3% of urban and rural residents would rather "increase