盛夏季节,我国无论是南方还是北方均有吃西瓜的习俗。这时,由于天气酷热,胃液分泌少、出汗多,常常会使人食欲不振,如果此时能吃上几块西瓜,犹如甘露沁心田,顿时暑气全消。 西瓜原是产于非洲南部沙漠地区的一种野生浆果。4000多年前,古埃及就有了人工栽培的西瓜。以后逐渐由地中海沿岸各国传入北欧、中东、远东等地。约在公元907年至979年间的传入我国,由于西瓜自西域传入,故称“西瓜”。
In the summer season, China has the custom of eating watermelon in both the south and the north. At this time, due to the hot weather, less secretion of gastric juice, sweating, and often make people lose appetite, if you can eat a few pieces of watermelon at this time, like a nectar heart, suddenly disappeared. Watermelon is a kind of wild berry produced in the desert area of southern Africa. Over 4,000 years ago, ancient Egypt had artificially cultivated watermelons. Since then, it has been gradually introduced into northern Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East from countries along the Mediterranean coast. It was introduced to China from about 907 to 979. Since watermelon was introduced from the Western Regions, it was called “watermelon.”