X-ray phase quantitative analysis is to solve the problem of the content of each mineral in the mixture, which mainly solves some problems that the chemical method can not solve. For example, for the andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite in the high-aluminum minerals, the chemical analysis is based on the content of Al 2 O 3 and is converted into the content of these minerals according to the formula of the above-mentioned minerals. Due to the symbiosis of these minerals with aluminosilicates such as feldspar, mica and chlorite, these minerals are also dissolved to varying degrees in the dissolved minerals. Therefore, the calculated amount of mineral is not really high aluminum mineral content. In another example, the chemical method to determine the content of talc is based on the content of MgO, talc according to the formula to calculate the talc content. The minerals that coexist with talc are tremolite, diopside, chlorite and serpentine. These minerals are also magnesium silicate minerals. Therefore, the results of chemical analysis can not represent the true content of talc.