在市场经济的大潮中,成功者,属于那些勇立潮头的弄潮儿。淄博市人大代表、山东鲁宝冶金股份有限公司董事长兼总经理王勉山就是这弄潮儿中的佼佼者。 1979年,王勉山由一名普通员工走上了领导岗位,面对当时企业产品单一,年产值不足200万元的现状,他审时度势,以适应市场经济发展的经营之道和科学严格的企业管理,使企业得以长足发展。几年来,他以扩大规模,提高效益为总的战略方针,本着实事求是的原则,严格
In the tide of the market economy, the winner, belongs to those beach wavers who brave the forefront. Zibo City People’s Congress, Shandong Lubao Metallurgical Co., Ltd. Wang Mianshan, chairman and general manager of the beach-goers in this leader. In 1979, Wang Mianshan embarked on a leadership position by an ordinary employee, the face of the single product of the time, the annual output value of less than 2,000,000 yuan of the status quo, he examined the situation, in order to adapt to the development of the market economy and scientific management of strict enterprise management, So that enterprises can make great strides. Over the past few years, he has adopted the principle of seeking truth from facts and strictly following the general principle of expanding scale and improving efficiency