1992年9月8日至9月27日,经过长达四年的准备后,中国与法国及俄罗斯三国联合,成功地举办了巴黎——莫斯科——北京国际马拉松汽车越野赛。汽车越野赛不同于拉力赛,它是指赛车在没有或基本上没有路的自然陆地上行驶,而拉力赛是在经过修建的路面上行驶,赛段路况远不如越野赛的复杂、险要。参加此次赛事的共有30多个国家的160多辆赛车,全部车辆300余辆,出动飞机20余架,总行程16 000多公里,比巴黎——达卡尔汽车拉力赛还要长3 000多公里。比赛规模之大,路途之遥,路段路况之复杂险峻,在世界赛车史上堪称罕见,极富刺激
From September 8 to September 27, 1992, after four years of preparation, China successfully organized the Paris-Moscow-Beijing International Marathon with the cooperation of France and Russia. Unlike rally, rally means that the car is driving on natural land that has no or virtually no road, while the rally is running on the constructed road. The road segment is far less complex and dangerous than the olympic. More than 160 cars, more than 300 vehicles and more than 20 aircraft from more than 30 countries participated in the event. They dispatched more than 20 aircraft with a total of more than 16,000 kilometers, more than 3,000 kilometers more than the Paris-Dakar rally . The scale of the competition, the road away, the complexity of road sections of the dangerous, rare in the world racing history, very exciting