我科自1987~1991年收治50例宫外孕中,49例为输卵管妊娠,1例为腹腔妊娠。其中3例输卵管受累不严重,因此行输卵管保守性手术2例术后1年左右均顺利受孕并正常分娩。现报告于下。1 临床资料例 130岁,已婚未育。1987年3月11日因停经2个月,阴道不规则出血1个月,拟宫外孕入院。查体:神清,下腹压痛,宫颈举痛,子宫后位,常大,右附件触及约3cm×3cm×2cm包块并压痛,后穹窿穿刺抽出少量暗红血液。尿妊娠试验(+)。B超确定宫外孕。剖腹探查,术中见腹腔积血约200ml,输卵管壶腹部膨大、约3cm×3cm×2cm,未见破裂口。左输卵管粘连于子宫后壁,伞端未能游离。行右输卵管病部线
My department from 1987 to 1991 admitted 50 cases of ectopic pregnancy, 49 cases of tubal pregnancy, 1 case of abdominal pregnancy. Of which 3 cases of tubal involvement is not serious, so 2 cases of tubal conservative surgery after 1 year or so were successfully conceived and normal delivery. The report is now under. A clinical data example 130 years old, married and not educated. March 11, 1987 due to menopause 2 months, irregular vaginal bleeding for 1 month, to be ectopic pregnancy admission. Physical examination: Shen Qing, abdominal tenderness, cervical pain, posterior uterus, often large, the right attachment touches about 3cm × 3cm × 2cm mass and tenderness, culdocentesis out of a small amount of dark red blood. Urinary pregnancy test (+). B-determined ectopic pregnancy. Laparotomy, see intra-articular hemorrhage about 200ml, tubal ampulla enlargement, about 3cm × 3cm × 2cm, no rupture. Left tubal adhesions in the posterior wall of the uterus, umbrella side failed to free. Right tubal disease line