东北因其独特的战略位置 ,在中国革命进程中占有举足轻重的地位。因此 ,抗战胜利初期 ,国共两党围绕着东北问题展开了激烈的斗争。在整个斗争过程中 ,国共两党的斗争策略有明显的区别 :一、国民党对苏判断失误 ,行动迟缓 ,依赖“外交”争夺东北的企图破灭 ;共产党高瞻远瞩 ,决策果断 ,行动迅速。二、国民党政策微调 ,重心偏向“军事接收” ;共产党艰苦作战 ,阻敌进犯 ,顽强坚持东北斗争。三、国民党战略重点不定 ,对东北问题转为消极态度 ;共产党面对新情况 ,不失时机地制定新方针 ,因势发展。由于共产党斗争策略的正确和灵活 ,最终挫败了国民党占领东北的企图。
Due to its unique strategic position, Northeast occupies a pivotal position in the process of the Chinese revolution. Therefore, in the early days of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the two parties held a fierce struggle on the northeast issue. During the course of the struggle, there are obvious differences in the tactics of struggle between the KMT and the CPC: First, the KMT made a mistake in judging the Soviet Union and exercising a slow pace, and its attempt to rely on “diplomacy” to fight for the northeast was shattered. The Communist Party has a long-term perspective, decisive decision and quick action. Second, the KMT policy fine-tuning, the center of gravity biased in favor of “military acceptance.” The Communist Party worked arduously and retaliated against the enemy and persevered in the northeast struggle. Third, the Kuomintang has a different strategic focus and has shifted its attitude towards the northeast to a negative one. Under the new circumstances, the Communist Party has seized the opportune moment to devise a new guideline for the development of the situation. Due to the correct and flexible tactics adopted by the Communist Party, it eventually foiled the Kuomintang’s attempt to occupy the northeast.