切实推进佛道教场所管理工作 国家五部门督察调研组在京检查国宗发〔2012〕41号文件贯彻落实情况

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在国家宗教局等十部门《关于处理涉及佛教寺庙、道教宫观管理有关问题的意见》(国宗发〔2012〕41号)颁布实施6个月之际,由国家宗教局、中央统战部、住房与城乡建设部、国家旅游局、国家文物局等五部门组成的联合督察调研组于4月10日、15日分别赴北京市门头沟区和昌平区检查文件贯彻落实情况,切实推动佛教寺庙、道教宫 Six months after the promulgation and implementation of the “Opinions on Handling Issues Involving Buddhism Temples and Taoist Temples” (Guozongfa [2012] No. 41) from the ten departments including the State Bureau of Religious Affairs, the State Religious Affairs Bureau, the Central United Front Department, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the National Tourism Administration, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and other five departments of the Joint Inspectorate investigation group on April 10, 15 went to Beijing Mentougou District and Changping District inspection documents to implement the situation and effectively promote the Buddhist temples, Taoist palace