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徐祯卿吴中时期诗歌以“情深”为主要特征,“愁”和“感伤”等类似的词语,大致可做为这一时期诗歌情感的一种最醒目的标识,诗人以物化主题为介质叙写着个人化的生命形态,体验着浓郁的人生悲凉,其诗中涌动的“愁绪”及对意象系统的选择形成一种感伤化的诗境。徐祯卿诗歌中有着一系列特征鲜明、质性相对统一的意象系统,这对其诗歌之“情”的呈现,作品之“韵”与“境”的生成等都是至为关键的要素,其对意象的选择与组合既有着地域性因素,又与其对自身价值、处境和命运的体认有关。 Xu Zhenqing Wuzhong period poetry to “deep” as the main characteristic, “sad ” and “sentimental ” and other similar words, can generally be regarded as one of the most striking signs of poetry sentiment during this period, the poet With the theme of materialization as the narrative of the personal life form, experiencing rich sadness in life, the “Melancholy” surging in his poems and the choice of the image system form a sentimental poem. Xu Zhenqing’s poetry has a series of image systems with distinctive features and relatively uniform qualities, which show the “love” of his poems and the generation of “Yun” and “Jing” of his poems The key elements of the image of the choice and combination of both regional factors, but also its value, position and fate of the recognition.