位于斯洛文尼亚东北部的小镇Vitanje,是太空理论研究先驱者Herman Potocnik Noordung的故乡。1929年Noordung在书中描绘过一个关于太空居住轮的概念,是通过与地球自转同步的空间站自转产生的离心力,创造出一个与地球相似的重力场,从而达到人类长期居住太空的设想。虽然这个伟大构想至今未能实现,但是今天,在Noordung的故乡,一个源自太空居住轮理念的现实建筑,在四家事务所的合作努力之下,成功亮相在世人眼前。
Vitanje, a town in the northeastern part of Slovenia, is home to Herman Potocnik Noordung, a pioneer of space research. In 1929, Noordung described in the book a concept of a space wheel of space. It uses the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of a space station synchronized with the rotation of the Earth to create a gravity field similar to Earth, thus achieving the idea of human beings living in space for a long time. Although this great concept has not yet been realized, today, in the hometown of Noordung, a real building derived from the idea of a space wheel of residence was successfully unveiled to the eyes of the world under the cooperative efforts of the four firms.