1.具体作法 (1)形式:以原村卫生站为基础,实行村卫生站和村计生室“一套班子,两块牌子”。房屋2~3间,以及检查台、妇科手术床、血压计、听诊器等设备。办站经费由村委会出一点,群众集一点,入站医生投入一点来解决,达到各站有2000元以上的流动资金。 (2)人员:每站2~4人。由乡(镇)人民政府对本人申请、村民委推荐的乡村医生、个体开业人
1. Specific practices (1) Form: Based on the original village health station, the village sanitation station and the village planner’s office will be “a set of teams and two brands”. There are 2 to 3 houses, as well as equipment such as examination tables, gynaecological beds, sphygmomanometers, and stethoscopes. The funds for running the station were issued by the village committee, and the masses gathered a little. The inbound doctors put in a little effort to solve the problem and reached 2,000 yuan or more of working capital at each station. (2) Personnel: 2 to 4 people per station. The rural doctors and individual practitioners recommended by the township (town) people’s government for their own application and the village committee’s recommendation