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本文对我院4年来的课程建设工程进行了较为全面的总结,对设立课程建设基金、制订课程建设办法、建立课程建设委员会及其工作原则、工作方法等均作了详细介绍。文中还详述了自1987年以来已验收的第一、二批共27门课程建设的成果。文中述及的课程建设工作中的体会和持续深入开展课程建设的思考,对进一步做好我院课程建设工作是十分有益的。其中有关配合重点学科建设,从课程设置的结构上、课程内容上结合当今科技发展、社会需求和教育规律三方面进行系统规划的设想,对提高学校整体教学质量具有一定指导意义。 This article summarizes the curriculum construction projects in our college for 4 years, and gives a detailed introduction to the establishment of curriculum construction funds, the establishment of curriculum construction methods, the establishment of curriculum construction committees and their working principles and working methods. The article also details the first and second batch of a total of 27 courses since 1987, the results of construction. The experience of curriculum construction mentioned in the article and the thought of continuing to carry out the curriculum construction in depth are very useful to further improve the curriculum construction in our college. The envisaged system planning in connection with the construction of key disciplines, the structure of the curriculum, the content of the curriculum, and the current technological development, social needs and educational laws have some guiding significance for improving the overall teaching quality of the school.
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