This article analyzes 46 cases of hypokalemia in children with changes in the relationship between ECG, the results of severe malnutrition and severe diarrhea caused by hypokalemia electrocardiogram positive rate of the highest, severe malnutrition accounted for second place, the lowest positive rate of severe diarrhea. Shows that acute and chronic loss of potassium loss of potassium on the ratio of different effects, the positive rate of ECG changes were significantly different. At the same time clarify the potassium ion on the electrophysiological effects of cardiomyocytes and children with hypokalemia ECG changes characteristic. Confirmed the degree of children with hypokalemia and clinical manifestations, ECG changes in the three linear relationship between each other. To find out the cause of hypokalemia electrocardiogram negative changes in children pediatric hypokalemia when biochemical tests and electrocardiogram evaluation.