慈虫病是由恙虫(螨)幼虫为媒介而传播的急性传染病。病原是东方立克次氏体,国内主要流行于东南沿海各地。现将我县首发病例报告如下: 汪××,女,32岁,已婚,农民,休宁县源芳公社人。患者于1982年7月30日开始畏寒发热,头痛,周身酸痛不适和听力减退,感右腋部疼痛,并发现右乳房皮肤长一红色小结,不痛不痒,并逐渐扩大。8月3日开始,自颈部起逐渐蔓延至头面、躯干及四肢皮肤出现红疹,无痛,至8月6日体温不退,因症状加重而住入区医院。患者病后曾有咳嗽、上腹疼痛、进食少,余无特殊,大小便正常。病前一直参加上山割草背草,否认服药史,幼时患过麻疹。
Chongciosis is an acute infectious disease transmitted by the tsutsugamushi (mite) larvae as a medium. Pathogen is Rickettsia orientalis, the main domestic popular in all parts of the southeast coast. Now my county’s first case report is as follows: Wang × ×, female, 32 years old, married, farmer, Xiuning County source Fang commune. Patients began chills fever, headache, whole body aches and discomfort and hearing loss on July 30, 1982, the right axillary pain, and found a long, red nodule on the right breast skin, and it gradually enlarged. Beginning on August 3, from the neck gradually spread to the head, rash on the trunk and limbs, painless, to August 6 temperature rebound, due to increased symptoms and admitted to the district hospital. Patients had a cough after illness, abdominal pain, eating less, I no special, normal urine. Has been participating in the disease before mowing grass, denied medication history, childhood had measles.