省、市党代会召开后,衡阳市林业局全体干职结合林业工作实际,悉心领会、深入贯彻省、市第十一次党代会精神,在全局开展“四学”活动,扎实推进林业工作上台阶。一是领导带头学。局领导充分发挥示范引领作用,带头学习,带头宣传,带头贯彻落实。9月2 8日,组织全局副科实职以上领导干部在三楼会议室同步收看了第十一次党代会开幕直播。1 1月2 8日,专
After the convening of provincial and municipal party congregations, all the cadres in Hengyang Forestry Bureau, combined with the actual work of forestry, carefully understand and thoroughly implement the spirit of the Eleventh Party Congress held in provincial and municipal governments and carry out “four-learning” activities in a comprehensive manner. Promote forestry work to a higher level. First, lead the lead. Bureau leaders give full play to the leading role of demonstration, take the lead in learning, take the lead in publicity, take the lead in implementing. On September 28, the leading cadres above the rank of deputy section chief of the whole organization watched the opening broadcast of the 11th Party Congress simultaneously in the conference room on the third floor. 1 January 28, special