为了提高农村已婚育龄妇女的身体素质,推动计划生育工作的顺利开展.于1994年12月至1996年6月深入乡村,对全县49岁以下的农村已婚育龄妇女进行了妇科常见病、多发病的普查普治工作.现将普查情况分析如下;1 检查对象与方法对49岁以下的农村已婚育龄妇女进行了普查.逐村进行一般常规妇科检查,对阴道炎、宫颈炎患者取阴道分泌物涂片检查,本人自述和妇科检查发现异常情况者,进行B超检查.结果与分析2.1 患病率 普查妇女60489名,患妇科病30968人次,患病率达51.22%.
In order to improve the physical quality of married women of childbearing age in rural areas to promote the smooth progress of family planning work in December 1994 to June 1996 in-depth rural areas of the county under the age of 49 married women of childbearing age in rural areas for gynecological common diseases, The prevalence of general survey work.Currently the census analysis is as follows; 1 objects and methods of examination of married women of childbearing age in rural areas under the age of 49 were surveyed by the village routine gynecological examination of vaginitis, cervicitis patients take Vaginal secretions smear examination, I read the report and gynecological examination found abnormalities were B ultrasound examination results and analysis 2.1 prevalence survey 60489 women, 30968 gynecological diseases, the prevalence rate of 51.22%.