通过对济源钢铁公司烧结矿添加ZHS添加剂的系列试验 ,着重研究了ZHS添加剂对烧结矿转鼓指数、还原性、低温还原粉化率及熔滴性能的影响。试验表明 ,ZHS添加剂对改善烧结矿冶金性能具有良好效果 ,为改善济 (源 )钢烧结矿质量提供了新的途径。
By adding ZHS additive to sinter of Jiyuan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., the effects of ZHS additive on drum index, reducibility, reduction reduction rate and droplet property of sinter are studied emphatically. The experiment shows that the ZHS additive has a good effect on improving the metallurgical properties of sinter and provides a new way to improve the quality of sinter ore.