例1:患者,男性,69岁,因意识不清伴右侧肢体偏瘫4小时于1996年3月8日就诊。患者有糖尿病史半年,间断服用降糖灵及中草药,血糖波动11.1~13.9mmol/L之间,尿糖(++)~(+++)。就诊前1个月改服消渴丸,每次10粒,每日3次,半月前化验血糖为10.2mmol/L,既增加消渴丸用量致每次20粒,每日3次。近2天来精神萎糜,有时意识模糊,进食后能缓解,4小时前呼之不应,右侧肢体偏瘫,急送我院。查体:浅昏迷状态,皮肤微汗,BP 24/12kPa,双瞳孔正大等圆,对光反射灵敏,右鼻唇沟稍浅,颈无抵抗,心
Example 1: Patient, male, 69 years old, on March 8, 1996 due to unconsciousness with right limb hemiplegia for 4 hours. Patients with diabetes history of six months, intermittent taking hypoglycemic and Chinese herbal medicine, blood glucose fluctuations between 11.1 ~ 13.9mmol / L, urine sugar (++) ~ (+++). 1 month before treatment to change Xiaoke pill, 10 capsules each time, 3 times a day, half a month before the test blood glucose 10.2mmol / L, both to increase the amount of Xiaoke Pill caused by 20 capsules, 3 times a day. Mental morbidity in the past 2 days, and sometimes confusion, can ease after eating, 4 hours ago should not call, the right hemiplegia, urgently sent to our hospital. Examination: shallow coma state, the skin slightly sweat, BP 24 / 12kPa, double pupil Chia Tai and other round, sensitive to light reflex, the right nasolabial fissure slightly neck non-resistant heart