This article presents a method of estimating hypocenters and seafloor characteristics using a forward model, as well as some comparisons with actual data. The required information is the geometry of the source reception arrangement, the size of the source gun, and the depth of the water. Assuming that the recorded pulse consists of a series of narrow band spikes, the original and multiple reflected pulses of the seabed are modeled as a function of distance. In this case, the propagation time and magnitude of each wave can be given in the source-receiver geometry, the focal gun size, and the depth of water. Consideration must also be given to the fact that the reflection coefficient of the seabed depends on the angle of incidence, and the sea can be assumed to be an ideal mirror. During this process, the density and speed of the seafloor are unknowns, and they can be iterated iteratively. We use the actual data from the North Sea as an example to prove that the pulse shape and its change along the cable direction can be predicted very reasonably. In marine seismic exploration, the estimation of source features is a problem that has been attaching great importance in recent years. in the text,