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医学文献信息对人类健康和医疗方面的作用将越来越突出。当前,医院图书馆不仅要为医疗、教学、科研管理人员提供文献信息,而且对出人才、出成果等方面负有重要的使命。图书馆工作人员不再认为自己的任务只是“借借还还”了。 改革开放使各大医院加入了不同程度的竞争机制,技术力量、人才力量方面越来越呈现出不同的差距。因此,尽早获取需要的科技文献信息,尽快发展科学技术是时代的需要。而这些信息需要管理和处理,这就为医院图书工作人员提供了施展才能的广阔天地。在当前想要在某门学科或某项技术发展的前沿,科学地从事研究工作和技术开发等工作,科研人 The role of medical literature in human health and medical care will become increasingly prominent. At present, the hospital library should not only provide the medical information, teaching and scientific research management personnel with the documentary information, but also have an important mission to output talents and achievements. Librarians no longer think their job is “borrowed”. Since the reform and opening up, the major hospitals have joined different levels of competition mechanisms, and their technical forces and personnel strength have shown more and more different gaps. Therefore, it is the needs of the times to obtain the necessary scientific and technological literature information as soon as possible and to develop science and technology as soon as possible. And the information needs to be managed and processed, which gives hospital library staff a vast expanse of talent. In the current want to be in the front of a subject or a technology development, scientific research and technology development and other work, researchers
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近年来有文献报道系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)可有神经系统的损害,我们在临床工作中遇到SLE引起偏瘫、癫痫各1例,现报告如下: 例1:女,36岁,住院号40444。三年前突然发烧,体温38.5℃
Wanglu did not fully relieve until these two days.He found his car before this Spring Festival trembling after he started the engine.He went to the 4S outlet se
一、目的 为了最大限度提高全军各医学图书馆文献资源的利用率,为了联合制订文献资源采购计划,在全军范围内协调医学文献资源的合理分布,特制订本条例。 二、组织