目前,鲜奶吧的经营一般以店面为基础,辐射周围500~1 000米半径,但人们开始不满足于每天拿个奶袋子进店付账取奶,因此解决便利性将是我们面临最大的问题。消费者去鲜奶吧有两个成本:金钱和时间,而很多消费者是因为时间成本放弃了鲜奶吧。因此必须进行服务调整:从固定店面的订奶取奶,到增加订奶点,并配送到户;利用电商平台增加受众的便利性。随着国内电商平台的发展,打造第一个奶业电商平台也是大势所趋。“管理平台+微信+APP”一体化无缝连接,可以让管理更加快捷完美。
At present, the operation of milk bar is generally based on storefronts, radiating around a radius of 500 to 1,000 meters, but people are not satisfied with taking milk bags every day to pay for milk. Therefore, to solve the problem of convenience is the biggest problem we face . Consumers go to milk it has two costs: money and time, and many consumers because of the time cost to give up the milk bar. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the service: take the milk from the fixed storefront to increase the order milk and deliver it to the households; and use the e-commerce platform to increase the convenience of the audience. With the development of domestic e-commerce platform, to build the first dairy e-commerce platform is the trend of the times. “Management Platform + WeChat + APP ” seamless integration, you can make management more efficient and perfect.