患者,男,41岁,因反复晕厥1天入院。每次发作持续时间10至20秒不等。无发热、呕吐及抽搐,在当地按“心肌炎”治疗后病情恶化,于1999年2月18日收住我院。以往无甲亢、高血压及糖尿病史,10多年来偶有多汗,无怕热及食量改变,无烟酒嗜好,否认家族中有肿瘤病史。查体:T36.5℃,P16次/min,R20次/min,BP 120/65mmHg。精神疲倦,皮肤温湿,无皮下出血点,浅表淋巴结未扪及。双侧眼球略前突,瞬目减少,双侧瞳孔等圆等大,对光反射灵敏,鼻唇沟对称。颈软,甲状腺中度肿大,质中,无触痛,可触及震颤,未闻及血管杂音。双肺正常。心界向左下扩大,心率20次/min,律不整,心尖区第一心音亢进,偶闻大炮音,无杂音。毛细血管搏动征及
Patients, male, 41 years old, admitted to hospital for recurrent syncope for 1 day. Duration of each attack ranging from 10 to 20 seconds. No fever, vomiting and convulsions, in the local press “myocarditis ” after the condition deteriorated, on February 18, 1999 admitted to our hospital. In the past no hyperthyroidism, hypertension and diabetes history, more than 10 years occasional hyperhidrosis, no fear of heat and food intake, non-alcoholic drinks and tobacco habit, denied family history of cancer. Examination: T36.5 ℃, P16 times / min, R20 times / min, BP 120 / 65mmHg. Mental fatigue, skin temperature and humidity, no subcutaneous bleeding, superficial lymph nodes not palpable. A slight protrusion of both eyes, blinking, bilateral pupil and other large round, sensitive to light reflection, nasolabial fold symmetry. Neck soft, moderate thyroid enlargement, quality, no tenderness, palpable tremor, no smell and vascular murmur. Normal lungs. Heart to the left to expand the heart rate 20 times / min, law is not the whole, the first heart acupuncture hyperactivity, even heard cannon sound, no noise. Capillary beating syndrome