【摘 要】
1.历史记载本世纪初,Ishiwata(1902)首先报导分离出苏云金杆菌(Bacillusthuringiensis 下简称 B.t.)菌株,当时命名为 Sotto bacillus,是从病蚕体内分离出的。如今该菌株鉴定
【机 构】
1.历史记载本世纪初,Ishiwata(1902)首先报导分离出苏云金杆菌(Bacillusthuringiensis 下简称 B.t.)菌株,当时命名为 Sotto bacillus,是从病蚕体内分离出的。如今该菌株鉴定为 B.t.Sotto 变种,属血清型4a、4b。1915年,Aoki 和 Ohigasaki 证实只有孢子培养物对蚕(Bombyx mori)有毒,由于对日本一个非常重要的工业部门一养蚕业有相当
1. Historical records Earlier this century, Ishiwata (1902) first reported the isolation of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bacillus thuringiensis referred to B.t.) strain, was named Sotto bacillus, is isolated from the disease silkworm body. The strain is now identified as B.t.Sotto variants, which are serotypes 4a, 4b. In 1915, Aoki and Ohigasaki confirmed that only spore cultures were toxic to Bombyx mori due to the equivalent of sericulture to a very important industrial sector in Japan
To review the theory of dominant hemi sphere from the literature o f western world intend to find the inadeguacies of it.Inadequacies of the theor y:⑴The theor
方竹(Chimonobambusa utilis)是我国特有的经济用材竹种,主要分布在南川县金佛山海拔1500米以上地段,位于四川盆地东南边缘川黔交接地带,属大娄山东段部分。方竹笋肉厚质脆,
经济阈值(或经济阈限、经济阀限)的概念自50年代由某些昆虫学家(Stern et al.1959)正式提出以来,经不少人修正和补充,已逐步形成一套合理和可行的理论。尽管有人对该理论的
一、防治成虫 1.农药处理土壤防治棕色金龟子(Ho-lotrichia litanis Reittes)和黑皱金龟子(Trematodes tenebrioides(pallas)成虫 棕色、黑皱均属两年一代早春发生型。棕色
柏木丽松叶蜂Augomonoctenus smithi Xiao et Wu属膜翅目松叶蜂科丽松叶蜂属。一年发生一代,雌雄性比为2.73∶1,有孤雌生殖现象;幼虫蛀食柏木的幼嫩球果,蜕皮五次,历期35.5天
在农田土壤中,常见到一种牛皮状丝质虫茧。每个虫茧上都粘联着一只蛴螬头壳,经观察,是一种臀沟土蜂(Tiphia sp.)幼虫寄生蛴螬的结果。自然寄生率一般在30%以上,最高可达50%
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